Plea to people letting off fireworks (warning: this is "a joke")

Started by grawrc, November 03, 2012, 20:24:58

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Well outside the fireworks have started grand style already. My dog is a bit deaf so doesn't really notice. The cat has hidden herself in some dark recess of the house. I've had a horrid virus this week so would prefer not being kept awake, but I'll survive.

I was just wondering, given the national, political climate, whether any prospective celebrants of 5th November 1605 might like to remember the work done by said gentleman and shift some of their supplies to the Houses of Parliament? James VI may have been a bit of an arse but not by the standards of Cameron, Clegg and Osborne.

Not only would this reduce the ambient disturbance for me and my pets but would get rid of the public school government so anathema to the vast majority of British voters. We could then rewrite the law and exclude anyone with an income attracting 40% tax or owning more than one property from government. All bankers and anyone remotely connected with a multinational would automatically be excluded too.




I agree entirely Anne.  I hope you are feeling better now having had a horrid virus.  Get well soon.


I'll vote for you to sort it 'all' out!  :icon_cheers:
...and can we have total fireworks ban everywhere else except deep cellars of HP?...pretty please.. as my dog is getting bonkers with all the banging going on and I'm already fed up with it. need HOT toddy for your virus...


Hope you feel better now Grawc.
As for fireworks when I had a dog who hated fireworks we did not dare leave her in the house from September to January at weekends as it was before the law restricting them.
I loved them as a kid but having seen the effect on Bess  I now would happily see them banned. I used to write to the MP and government and anyone I could think off to try and get them controlled. Still got the marks in the kitchen from a petrified dog trying to "escape". I used to give her whisky on bonfire night but people round here used to let them off anytime.
I now worry what birds and animals feel it must be awful for them. Poor Amber -and you. :BangHead:


My cats are 100% indifferent to the noise and lights - George was on the spare bed and Basil in the front room managing to take up most of on sofa!
Maybe my house is more noisy than most!!
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!

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