Started by rosebud, December 13, 2014, 17:52:26

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Where oh where, at this time of the year does one buy Christmas cake decorations.   I have been in at least 8 shops since Thursday nobody has any or cake frills   grrrrrr!!! doing my head in. Tesco said there delivery did not arrive or so a member of staff told me!!.
Do peeps not decorate cakes anymore?.
I do not know what to do now , I shall have to keep searching.



Hi know what you mean but have a look a what you can make all these are done with fondant icing by my fair hand. this one I made for my Son's school auction night and it sold for £70 which I am quite pleased about as it weighed 3kg.
or amore simple one I di a couple of years ago with a star cutter and silver balls.

I still have 3 more to decorate I must be mad
Norf London


Have you a specialist shop ? We had two in Chesterfield but I think just one now.
Love the skill involved and wish I could do it. You did a great job there Nora a good amount to raise :icon_cheers:
Being a Yorkshire lass it has to be cake and cheese for me so gives me excuse not to ice the cake. :glasses9:


That's why we are all ordering stuff on line. EVERYTHING is there, no shop assistants shrugging at us, lots of choice, fast delivery. I know there is a tax problem, but it is up to our governments to sort that out.

Having said that, my cakes and puddings are usually decorated with ancient bits and pieces from former years plus local ivy, holly and general greenery. Do the children care? Do the adults care? Far too much anxiety about perfection, in my opinion..... Let's all relax.


In our experience, little indoor markets or hardware shops, such as the ones in Exmouth or Littlehampton. I'm still using the same frill that i've had for years, and snowman, robin, deer, that my mum used when I was in my teens, a long while ago!

Ellen K

Poundland are doing this Jane Asher Baking range and it includes things like packets of 6 little green icing sugar holly leaves and sprinkles for decorating.  OK it's not everything you need because it's made to the price but some things would be nice for your cupboard.  Home Bargains the same.  They were also selling things like silicone moulds so you can make your own little chocolates in the shape of snowmen and Santa which seemed to have potential if you have the capability to do such things.


Quote from: artichoke on December 13, 2014, 19:43:14
That's why we are all ordering stuff on line. EVERYTHING is there, no shop assistants shrugging at us, lots of choice, fast delivery. I know there is a tax problem, but it is up to our governments to sort that out.




Obxx - Vendée France


Rosebud, there are loads of cake frills on Amazon.  I expect there are many cake decorations too but I cannot look them up as my Broadband is so slow today and it took about 20 mins to get into Amazon and search for cake frills!  Oh the joys of living in the country where technology doesn't really reach or at least not at the same speed as it does in towns.    :BangHead:

I love your cakes Nora.


Nora your cake with the Father Xmas on is brilliant.  Yes easy to buy the icing, but not sure where  I would get the talent from.

Not sure it is a good as Noras.


There are loads of pots of little decorations (silver pearls etc) like cupcake decorations in Lidl's I noticed.  Also you can do a lot with biscuit cutters and different coloured icing.  A wide festive ribbon around the sides of the cake looks great.  I have also used a strip of wrapping paper around the bottom half of the sides of the cake instead of a ribbon and that looks good too, with nice paper. This is a necessity for me because the bottom of the sides never looks brilliant, but a big bow etc hides a multitude of sins.  If you think Christmassy colours, like white, green and red with a bit of sparkle, it will look good.   A bit of dessicated coconut with green food colouring (diluted) acts as grass and a snowman is simplicity itself.  Not difficult to fashion a tall hat out of black paper and put a few sparkles on from the cupcake decorations.

Good luck.

Nora, you have set the bar high!  Super cakes.


Morning :wave:
Thank you all very much for your help to solve my cake problem.
Galina I shall try you suggestions today .  Thank you. x


I have been inspired by Nora  :wave:
There were lots of bits and bobs in Sainsburys so everything was prepacked I must admit!
I wanted to learn sugar craft when I retired but not got time!
Really in awe of the proper stuff :tongue3:


Yorkshire Lass

Here are my efforts. One for us and one gift wrapped for the grandchildren


Quote from: Yorkshire Lass on December 19, 2014, 09:37:08
Here are my efforts. One for us and one gift wrapped for the grandchildren

They look great!  Very festive.   :sunny:  Did you make the letters or use letter cutters?   :wave:


Quote from: pumpkinlover on December 15, 2014, 18:49:54
I have been inspired by Nora  :wave:
There were lots of bits and bobs in Sainsburys so everything was prepacked I must admit!
I wanted to learn sugar craft when I retired but not got time!
Really in awe of the proper stuff :tongue3:

Nicely decorated cake,  looking Christmassy indeed.   :wave: 


some lovely cakes,Nora,Pumpkinlover an Yorkshire lass.

Im useless at fancy cakes so just stick to Yule logs.

This was last year,I hope to make one before next week.



That looks great gazza . :icon_cheers: and Yorkshire lass.This is turning into the Christmasy cake thread Just need a  :coffee2: to help it down. :wave:

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