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Happy Birthday Small

Started by daveyboi, June 06, 2021, 11:57:44

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Hoping you have a good day Small

:icon_flower: :icon_flower: :occasion13: :occasion13: :icon_flower: :icon_flower:
Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

Visit My Blog if you would like to


Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

Visit My Blog if you would like to


Flighty's plot,,  is my blog.

I support the Gardening with Disabilities Trust,


Congratulations... if you want to pop down and see our lotties again you are welcome... we are next open under the NGS on the 4th of July but you can come round on your own anytime now we have both retired here!


Thanks all! Saddad, unfortunately I'm not driving or indeed seeing well enough for much, really! But I hope your open day goes well. I have celebrated my birthday with my first tomato, and by squidging another thirty or so asparagus beetles. I know how to have fun!


The little pests are leaving me alone... to a degree, I see some eggs on the spears I cut, but none have made it to larva yet and only seen two beetles. Impressed you have toms already.. we must be a week or so behind with ours.!


Sorry to be late but I hope you had a good day yesterday and enjoyed that tomato.

I'm only just planting mine out today as I was late sowing them cos of all that cold and then they grew so very slowly.
Obxx - Vendée France


Toms, I start just a few in the prop in february, we have good south facing windows and a big conservatory, swings and roundabouts though, an early crop but they don't usually set more than 3 or 4 trusses before dying off. The second batch are in the green house, and I've got some very small plants which i hope will grow to give me toms into october or so. In the past I've grown some outdoors, get a huge crop and then blight hits overnignt....
well, it keeps you on your toes!


Warm enough here in a normal year to start seeds off indoors and then grow them on on a sunny windowsill and then transplant in the polytunnel but it was freezing here right into May and my propagator died so I just had a small heat mat.   Toms and chillies sown in two batches and now planted out but by the time I've buried the tom stems as deep as I can they're only a few inches above the soil.  Hope they'll be happy and grow.

Good luck with yours.

Obxx - Vendée France

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