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Blanket weed is back

Started by teresa, October 01, 2003, 00:16:43

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Yes its back in full force.
It was dying with the change of weather I was sooooo happy but things have taken a about turn.
So I thought I would see what Monty had to say on the subject and lo and behold what does he say:
Pull it out ;
 no sudgestions how to get rid of it for good I know the UVF filter helps it sumwhat it gets rid of green water but you are left with the BW.
Does this mean I have it all winter? or are barley dollys on the menu?



Hi Teresa.I did warn you that the wretched stuff never takes a holiday or hibernates.Last winter mine was as bad if not worse than the summer.When the plants stop growing because of the cooler weather,and their season,like garden plants is over, the blanketweed thinks ah ha there's a niche for me now,and sneaks back in.I wish I knew the answer.I have battled with it for years.When I came back off hols it was really thick and had gathered all round the surface,free floating weed.So i chucked the lot out,and ever since there is very little.My big pond actually has none at all,even though a lot more of the surface is clear.I have exactly the same edging stones round both ponds,so it can't be those.Both ponds have the same level of filtration and U.V.light.I have learned to take it as it comes.I just check on it every day and remove it before it gets a hold. So don't despair.It is,as I've said before, the sign of a healthy pond.Believe it or not!!

By the way how do you get those moving words and other oddities.They fascinate me,but I am no computer buff and very basic really.


Ok Maggie

Type anything, take the mouse click left infrount of type word and across to end ( highlite it)
Then click M above for move
G for glow
D for shadow

Like this:

[shadow=red,left,300]BLANKET WEED[/shadow]


same for colour above box click down where says black and all colours come up

when done click on preview below to see how it comes out if happy you can post

have fun



Hi teresa.  I have 2 ponds, the larger about 300sq. ft and the smaller about 150 sq. ft. I have a plain foam type filter (no UVF) and an 1800gph pump.  The smaller pond contains goldfish, a lot of duckweed and some (but not a lot) blanket weed, and I reckon the duckweed keeps down the blanket weed by restricting the light.  The larger pond has no oxygenating plants, no blanket weed and virtually no duckweed, but it does have Orfe, Koi and Mirror Carp, and 4 large Grass Carp, I have tipped oxygenating plants by the barrow load (it grows like mad in the small pond) into the larger pond, and the grass carp eat the lot - and I reckon that`s where the blanket weed and the duck weed go too.

PS. You`d better have another look at the Shed board


O.K.Teresa,lets see how good,or useless,I really am!


  WOW IT WORKS[/color]

   No stopping me now.Is it only on this board,or can it be found in other general programmes?  also i have lost the art of the smileys !!


Ok Maggie

you have cracked it

Smileys: after you have written reply etc mouse left click on any one of the above smileys :P you will get letters etc but when you preview you will see which one you have. ;)
make sure you dont tick disable smilies



What,like this you mean.////ftp://[td][/td]
:o ::) :-X ;) :D ;D >:( :( :ol]


Woops that was a bit squwiff!
Try again
 :'( :-* :-/ :-X :-[ :P


Hi Maggie

Keep going Maggie your nearly there  8)
Hows your day gone

You can do this on all the boards here
Just takes a little time and patience
 8) ;D :o :-[

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