Just thought I would share my lovely eBay bargain....

Started by Ruth Rocket, September 20, 2011, 23:50:05

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I try to ensure mine is cleared by the end of October, at which point I'll be starting some overwintering salads/greens on the kitchen windowsill and washing down the GH with jeyes fluid... by the time the greens are ready to go in the GH the Jeyes will ahve faded.... I'll have to dig out the borders and replace the soil, plus I need to build a divider so that I'm not stuck with trying to heat the whole edifice in February when the main seed sowing season starts again. I've got a big soil-warming cable to make a massive propagator out of plus 8  trays of commercial propagators so I need ot build some staging too.... Then come December I need to have built the LED growlights I want to use to try and get my onions going a bit better this year....


Ruth Rocket

Thanks again for the info crisc I have absolutely no idea what I am doing, but you have given me an idea!  It is up now and so far it's like our little allotment house, which is cool as our shed is a walk away so we can keep some non valuable items in it!  I will post a pic later x

louise stella

Grow yer bugger grow!

Ruth Rocket

Ah Louise!  I am in Rochester, Watts Meadow plots!  The new 16 they have made!  Good to meet a Medway Allotmenter xxxxx


Aden Roller

Quote from: Ruth Rocket on October 02, 2011, 22:06:05
Ah Louise!  I am in Rochester, Watts Meadow plots!  The new 16 they have made!  Good to meet a Medway Allotmenter xxxxx

That's nice! It's good to make new friends.

louise stella

Quote from: Ruth Rocket on October 02, 2011, 22:06:05
Ah Louise!  I am in Rochester, Watts Meadow plots!  The new 16 they have made!  Good to meet a Medway Allotmenter xxxxx

We can moan about MEdway council together!  : )
Grow yer bugger grow!

louise stella

Quote from: Aden Roller on September 21, 2011, 16:34:38
New greenhouses on my allotment site are very often accompanied by some sort of mesh screen between them and the public footpath to reduce the chance of 'stray' stones and golf-balls causing damage.

It might be worth considering?  ;)

Yep! - here too - we are next to the driving range!  I turned down one plot right next to it........all the golf balls meant i'd have to garden with a tin hat on!
Grow yer bugger grow!

Aden Roller

Quote from: louise stella on October 03, 2011, 00:37:52
Quote from: Aden Roller on September 21, 2011, 16:34:38
New greenhouses on my allotment site are very often accompanied by some sort of mesh screen between them and the public footpath to reduce the chance of 'stray' stones and golf-balls causing damage.

It might be worth considering?  ;)

Yep! - here too - we are next to the driving range!  I turned down one plot right next to it........all the golf balls meant i'd have to garden with a tin hat on!

Sad thing is where our plots are there is no golf club or even an open field. The golf balls are driven over the fence by neighbouring children from the safety of their gardens while mummy and daddy are out.  >:(

Ruth Rocket

Quote from: louise stella on October 03, 2011, 00:35:42
Quote from: Ruth Rocket on October 02, 2011, 22:06:05
Ah Louise!  I am in Rochester, Watts Meadow plots!  The new 16 they have made!  Good to meet a Medway Allotmenter xxxxx

We can moan about MEdway council together!  : )

Louise is Medway putting the cost of all the allotments up on all sites and charging for all sheds?   I didn't know that!  What a bummer! X

louise stella

Quote from: Ruth Rocket on October 03, 2011, 20:18:34
Quote from: louise stella on October 03, 2011, 00:35:42
Quote from: Ruth Rocket on October 02, 2011, 22:06:05
Ah Louise!  I am in Rochester, Watts Meadow plots!  The new 16 they have made!  Good to meet a Medway Allotmenter xxxxx

We can moan about MEdway council together!  : )

Louise is Medway putting the cost of all the allotments up on all sites and charging for all sheds?   I didn't know that!  What a bummer! X

I think so - the excuse we were given is......."to help pay for new sites"........I just think they are cashing in on demand!
The sheds are going to be £15 per year !!!!!  We had break-ins this year and have just had all our door frames replaced - so I suppose it's fair for this year - but I may buy my own next year if I can afford it!
Grow yer bugger grow!

louise stella

Grow yer bugger grow!

Aden Roller

Quote from: louise stella on October 08, 2011, 12:40:30
I paid £33 last year for a 20 rod plot!

£33 ? Good or bad?

I paid £48 for 12 rod. (Not complaining but hope it doesn't increase next year)

Ruth Rocket

Not too keen on increases, though our shed is pukka! very secure and water tight!  possibly better to pay £15 per year.... the money i save in tescos is untrue!  ha! 

louise stella

I think my plot is good value - it's just the percentage of the increase that is galling!  The local council did nothing for their allotments for years - but now they have discovered that they are back in demand they put the rents up! 
My shed has just had a new frame because they were rotten - but the committee has done that!

Ruth - your plot/site/shed are all great !  You have done really well in a very short time! 
Grow yer bugger grow!

Ruth Rocket

Louise how many rods do you think my plot is?  Fascinated with the rod measurement lol!

Thanks for the kind words...... I am so chuffed you gave us the Jerusalem artichokes...... I cannot believe I got to age xxxxxxx (insert age!) and  had never tried them.... My new fave veg!

Our plots are new and all mod cons... Maybe the rents will go up next year????

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